The Art of Attraction: Using Graphic Design to Increase Your New E-commerce Brand’s Market Share

Author: Aina Sablan

Learn how effective graphic design can establish a strong brand identity, communicate product value, and improve user experience. Find out key elements of effective e-commerce graphic design and gain a competitive advantage for your own brand. Read now for valuable insights and strategies.

E-commerce is a rapidly growing industry in today’s digital age, with more and more businesses moving their operations online. With so many e-commerce brands competing for consumer attention, standing out in a crowded market is becoming increasingly difficult. A graphic design strategy is one method for gaining and retaining market share.

In this article, we’ll look at the advantages of graphic design for new e-commerce businesses and how it can help them gain market share. We’ll also go over the key components of effective e-commerce graphic design, as well as provide case studies of successful e-commerce brands that have used graphic design strategies to gain market share.

The Benefits of Strategic Graphic Design for E-commerce Brands

Graphic design can help you create a strong brand identity and visual language. It can help with the growth of an enticing and recognizable brand that stands out in a crowded market. 

The significance of visual consistency cannot be overstated. Brand recognition and recall improve when a brand is visually consistent across all touchpoints. A strong visual identity that resonates with your target audience can also increase the attractiveness of your brand to potential customers.

Another advantage of graphic design strategy is its ability to communicate the value and benefits of a product. Effective digital design can help highlight key features and benefits of a product or service, making it more appealing to potential customers. 

Furthermore, a graphic design strategy can help in the establishment of trust and credibility with potential customers. A well-designed website, for example, can convey a sense of professionalism and expertise, making customers more likely to trust and do business with the brand.

The link between user experience and digital design is undeniably important and should not be overlooked. The user experience is critical for increasing sales and fostering customer loyalty. 

A well-designed and user-friendly website can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Furthermore, an intuitively designed website can make the process of finding and purchasing products easier, increasing the company’s revenue and sales figures.

Establishing a strong brand identity

Effective graphic design strategy can help a brand build its visual identity, which is critical for distinguishing itself from competitors. Businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors by creating a distinct and visually appealing brand identity. 

A strong visual identity can also help to build trust with customers and convey the personality and values of the brand.

Enhancing product attractiveness

Well-designed product images and packaging can significantly increase a product’s attractiveness. A visually appealing product image can pique online consumers’ interest and entice them to learn more. 

Furthermore, creative packaging designs can create a memorable unboxing experience for customers, leaving a lasting impression and encouraging them to return to the brand.

Improving the user interface experience

E-commerce websites can benefit from graphic design. A well-designed website with an easy-to-use interface can provide a seamless user experience and encourage customers to continue exploring.

 A visually appealing website can also increase customer credibility and improve their perception of the brand’s quality and professionalism.

Boosting advertising campaigns

Graphic design strategy is important in both online and offline advertising campaigns. By utilizing well-designed marketing materials that effectively communicate the brand’s messaging and values, effective advertising campaigns can increase brand awareness and drive sales.

Using visually appealing graphics and a compelling message can leave a lasting impression and foster customer engagement, resulting in increased sales.

Key Elements of Effective E-commerce Graphic Design

Now that we’ve established the benefits of graphic design for e-commerce brands, let’s dive into the key elements of effective e-commerce graphic design.

Choosing the Right Color Scheme, Typography, and Imagery

The right color scheme, typography, and imagery can help convey the personality and values of your brand. It’s critical to select colors and typography that complement your brand’s identity and target audience. Imagery is also important. High-quality, relevant, and compelling images can help present your products in the best light possible, making them more appealing to potential customers.

Designing Intuitive and User-Friendly Website Layouts

E-commerce graphic design includes website digital design as an important component. A good website layout should be simple to use and intuitive. It should also be visually appealing, with your products organized and easily accessible. A well-designed website can help boost user experience engagement, lower bounce rates, and ultimately increase sales and revenue.

Creating Compelling Product Images and Packaging Designs

For e-commerce businesses, product photography and packaging design are critical. Product images of high quality can help you present your products in the best possible light, making them more appealing to potential customers. Packaging design is also significant because it can help create a memorable brand experience and encourage repeat purchases.

Developing Effective Marketing Materials and Advertising Campaigns

Marketing materials and advertising campaigns are essential for increasing brand awareness and promoting your products to a broader audience. You must have a successful advertising campaign that includes well-designed marketing materials that effectively communicate your brand’s messaging and values to increase sales. 

Using visually appealing graphics and a compelling message that resonates with your target audience can leave a lasting impression and foster customer engagement, which can lead to increased sales. 

In essence, creating effective marketing materials is critical for developing a memorable brand identity and increasing revenue.

Case Studies of Successful E-commerce Brands that Utilize Graphic Design

Now that we’ve discussed the key elements of effective e-commerce graphic design, let’s look at some successful e-commerce brands that have leveraged graphic design to gain market share.

Warby Parker

Warby Parker’s success in disrupting the traditional eyewear retail model by offering affordable and stylish eyewear through a direct-to-consumer online platform can be attributed to its effective use of graphic design. The brand’s website design is clean, and intuitive, and showcases high-quality product images that establish a strong brand identity and visual language. 

The consistent color scheme and typography used throughout the website align with the brand’s personality and values, creating a memorable and cohesive visual identity.

The success of the company can be attributed to its effective use of graphic design, which has helped establish a strong brand identity and memorable visual language. The brand’s website features a clean and intuitive design, with high-quality product images and a consistent color scheme and typography that aligns with the brand’s personality and values. 

Additionally, Warby Parker’s packaging design has become a key element of its identity, with the signature blue box becoming an iconic symbol of the brand. The brand’s advertising campaigns have also been highly effective, with visually striking and memorable campaigns that communicate the brand’s message and values, such as the “Home Try-On” campaign that features playful and humorous graphics.

Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club, established in 2011, has emerged as a leading razor and personal care brand. The brand’s exceptional success can be attributed to its effective use of graphic design, which has contributed significantly to creating a distinct and memorable brand identity. 

The Dollar Shave Club website boasts a clean and intuitive design, featuring high-quality product images, a consistent color scheme, and typography that aligns with the brand’s personality and values. 

The website’s intuitive graphic design strategy and easy-to-use interface have helped to create a seamless user experience that encourages customers to explore and purchase products with ease.

In addition to its website, Dollar Shave Club’s advertising campaigns have also been remarkably effective. The brand’s humorous and memorable videos have helped to raise brand awareness and generate significant sales figures. These videos are creative, witty, and resonant with the brand’s target audience, which has contributed to its success.


Allbirds, established in 2016, has become popular due to its eco-friendly approach and use of natural materials. The brand owes its success to its effective use of graphic design, which has created a unique and memorable identity. The website has a simple design, featuring high-quality product images, and a consistent color scheme and typography that align with the brand’s values. 

The company’s packaging design has also played an important role in its identity and customer experience. The website’s minimalist graphic design strategy  reflects Allbirds’ dedication to sustainability by highlighting the use of natural materials like merino wool and eucalyptus tree fiber.

The packaging design of Allbirds is an important aspect of the brand’s identity and customer experience. The shoeboxes are made of 90% recycled cardboard and have minimal printing, with the brand’s logo and product information printed in a simple and elegant font. 

In addition to its website and packaging design, Allbirds has used graphic design  strategy for effective marketing campaigns to communicate the brand’s values and messaging. The brand’s “Tread Lighter” campaign, for example, emphasizes the brand’s commitment to sustainability and features visually appealing graphics that highlight the brand’s eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes.


To summarize, effective graphic design is a powerful tool for e-commerce brands looking to increase market share by establishing a strong brand identity and visual language, enhancing product attractiveness, improving user experience, communicating product value and benefits, and boosting advertising campaigns.  This results in greater brand loyalty and sales figures.

Creating compelling graphics for an e-commerce business can be time-consuming and distract from other important tasks. It can take up to 2-3 hours per day to generate quality images for your brand and products. Fortunately, Zipmade can help. 

By subscribing to our service, you can free up those 2-3 hours and focus on growing your business or spending time with loved ones. With Zipmade, you get access to a graphic artist, backup graphic artist, and project manager for the price of one employee.

If you have any questions or want to speak to an account executive, simply send us an email.

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